Business optimization with HROK ESG platform in Croatia

The digital ESG platform HROK enables companies in Croatia to optimize their operations and comply with ESG regulatory requirements for long-term success

The HROC ESG platform assists companies in the collection and analysis of environmental, social and corporate governance data, thus facilitating compliance with regulatory requirements and reducing operational risks.

The digital ESG platform HROK enables companies in Croatia to optimize their operations and comply with ESG regulatory requirements for long-term success
Photo by: objava za medije/

Digital ESG platform Hrok offers companies in Croatia a wide range of tools that facilitate business operations, compliance with regulatory requirements, and the achievement of sustainable growth. The platform is not just a means of data collection, but a crucial element in strategies aimed at long-term business success and the reduction of operational risks. In today's world, sustainable development is not just a marketing tool but an essential component for every company that wants to remain competitive, especially in the face of increasingly stringent regulations from the European Union.

Through detailed and professionally guided webinars, such as the one held on September 24, 2024, Hrok's digital ESG platform provides users with concrete examples and guidelines on how to best utilize the available tools. During this webinar, the business community had the opportunity to learn about the latest information on digital solutions that enable companies to collect and analyze data in accordance with ESG criteria. ESG (environmental, social, governance) is becoming an increasingly important factor for business decisions, as it not only contributes to risk reduction but also lays the foundation for long-term profitability and business sustainability.

This webinar was not only an opportunity for theoretical acquaintance with the platform but also provided panelists who offered concrete examples of how companies from different industries utilize the Hrok ESG platform in their daily operations. With moderation by Ana Romac from the Croatian Banking Association, discussions focused on ways the ESG platform helps companies meet their legal obligations. Through practical examples, participants had the chance to learn how the Hrok platform optimizes processes, improves risk management, and contributes to business transparency. Companies that have already implemented these tools testify to the positive effects, especially in the context of long-term sustainability.

Digital platforms and ESG compliance as the key to business success

One of the key challenges for many companies is compliance with ESG regulations, which require constant monitoring and reporting on environmental, social, and governance factors. The Hrok ESG platform allows legal entities to easily and effectively collect the necessary data, all with the aim of improving business processes and reducing risks. This tool is tailored to the needs of a wide range of industries, allowing it to be used regardless of the size or specifics of the business.

Companies using the Hrok ESG platform experience a faster and more efficient data collection process, enabling them not only to comply with regulatory frameworks but also to create added value. The ESG questionnaire, as the central tool of the platform, is designed so that every legal entity can participate, regardless of reporting obligations under European Union directives. Additionally, this free tool provides an overview and analysis of the company's key environmental and social impacts, helping management make informed decisions.

Sustainable business as a priority for the future

The global orientation towards sustainable development inevitably places ESG standards at the center of the business world. Companies that neglect the importance of ESG compliance risk losing their competitive advantage, while those that integrate sustainable strategies enjoy a range of benefits, including easier access to capital, investor trust, and better market reputation. Webinar participants emphasized that ESG platforms like Hrok have become essential in business, enabling companies to adapt their processes more quickly and efficiently to the demands of modern business.

The Hrok ESG platform enables banks and other financial institutions to use data collected through the ESG questionnaire for risk assessment purposes, thereby facilitating credit decision-making and establishing long-term business relationships with clients. In the face of increasingly stringent reporting rules, companies that integrate ESG strategies early will be able to respond more quickly and effectively to market demands. The consequences of neglecting ESG standards can be significant, ranging from loss of access to financing to damage to business reputation.

Implementation of ESG tools in business

One of the main challenges in implementing ESG tools is their adaptation to the specific needs of individual industries. Webinar participants highlighted that the Hrok platform offers flexible tools that allow companies to tailor data collection and processing to their own business needs. This way, companies can optimize their processes and reduce costs associated with collecting and analyzing ESG data.

Furthermore, the ESG questionnaire available on the Hrok platform allows business entities to fill out and submit data about their environmental, social, and governance practices for free. This data becomes a key element in assessing the company's sustainability and long-term success. Business entities that adopt these standards early gain a competitive advantage, as more and more financial institutions and investors are interested in companies actively working to improve their ESG performance.

The Croatian Banking Association, as a key stakeholder in promoting ESG practices, encourages all business entities to utilize available tools and platforms to enhance their operations. Regular webinars and workshops help companies adapt to increasingly stringent regulations and identify opportunities for improving their business processes. Successful companies of the future will be those that recognize the importance of sustainability and use tools like the Hrok ESG platform for long-term business success.

Creation time: 29 September, 2024
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