President Milanović at the celebration of the Municipality of Gornja Rijeka emphasized the importance of tradition and funds

President Zoran Milanović at the celebration of the Municipality of Gornja Rijeka emphasized the importance of preserving tradition and using European funds for the development of local communities

President Zoran Milanović highlighted the significance of the Kajkavian dialect and the use of European funds for the development of Gornja Rijeka at the celebration of the Municipality Day. He called for the preservation of tradition and accelerated development to prevent emigration

President Zoran Milanović at the celebration of the Municipality of Gornja Rijeka emphasized the importance of preserving tradition and using European funds for the development of local communities
Photo by: Ured predsjednika Republike Hrvatske / Marko Beljan/

The President of the Republic of Croatia, Zoran Milanović, participated in the celebration of the Day of the Municipality of Gornja Rijeka, where he gave a speech to the local population and representatives of the authorities. In his address, Milanović emphasized the importance of preserving local customs and languages, particularly highlighting the Kajkavian dialect as a crucial part of Croatian identity. He urged the residents to remember their roots and preserve their cultural heritage, given that these values are of great importance for the future of the community.

One of the main messages of Milanović's speech concerned the use of funds from European sources. He pointed out that it is important to take advantage of every opportunity that arises, as these funds will not always be available. "This is our money, and we must use it while we have the chance," Milanović stated. He added that it is important for Croatia to speed up its development and become less dependent on these funds, and that in the future it could become a donor rather than just a recipient of European resources.

The President also spoke about the challenges of emigration, particularly from smaller rural communities like Gornja Rijeka. He referred to these places as "cradles of Croatian history," highlighting their importance in preserving the identity and future of the country. He warned of the need to make correct decisions that will ensure the retention of young people in these areas and prevent the outflow of population to larger cities or abroad.

The local community and authorities of Gornja Rijeka are working on numerous projects aimed at improving infrastructure and enhancing the quality of life. The Mayor of the Municipality, Darko Fištrović, mentioned several key projects, including the modernization of local roads, the expansion of public lighting, and work on the revitalization of cultural landmarks such as Mali Kalnik. These projects contribute to the development of the municipality and the improvement of the quality of life for the local population.

The celebration of the Day of the Municipality was an opportunity to bring together the local community and strengthen awareness of the importance of preserving tradition and cultural heritage. Milanović concluded that the future of Croatia lies in the hands of local communities, which through their work and engagement can ensure long-term progress and development. "Our goal must be to be those who contribute, not those who constantly receive assistance," the President emphasized.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 09 September, 2024
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